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SMU Maker Education Project

I was the founding director of the SMU Maker Education Project from 2017-2018.

The SMU Maker Education Project is dedicated to inspiring transformational maker-based learning experiences for students in the K12 system. Their mission is to support the academic integration of the maker education movement in K12 schools in a sustainable way that creates a lasting change. By leveraging new and emerging technologies and tools in combination with supportive, student-centered facilitation, they believe maker education can develop students who are self-actualized, resilient and excited to take on the toughest challenges of the 21st century and beyond.

As the founding director, I collaborated with a team to envision a new educational outreach program based at SMU and building on the momentum of the SparkTruck program.

Click here to see a short video about the project.

Our team provided professional development experiences for schools and designed tools & resources and curriculum for teachers to implement in the classroom.

In this capacity, I worked with the following schools:
